
About Me

Hello. My name is Yong En.
I am often fascinated by how computers work. My interest in computers started at a young age, and I remember staring at the computer screen for hours because of the Windows 95 "Maze" screensaver.

I started out by creating Windows Batch files. I liked how you can open them very easily and quickly, compared to waiting for the loading screens of bloated software programs. There were many resources online, like StackOverflow, that I liked to read through and learn about many strange and interesting things you could do with batch files. I enjoyed learning how people were maximising the use of batch files, stretching it to its limits and analysing every detail and quirk about batch files.

For example, back in 2015, I was listing some files in the command line and realised that it did not display the file "size on disk" unlike in the Windows "Properties" dialog. I tried many methods, but failed. I was surprised at the lack of this function. I thought that the command line was more powerful than the graphical interface. And so I asked a question on StackOverflow:

"Is there a way to output file size on disk in batch?"

I was quite taken aback by the huge response by the community, and greatly inspired. From then on, I continued learning more about batch files and computers in general.

You can contact me using my email. It is